Marquam Gulch Sewer Relocation Project, 1963

Men working on the Marquam Gulch Sewer Relocation project at SW Arthur Street and SW 2nd Avenue, 1963.

City of Portland (OR) Archives, 2543 – Marquam Gulch Sewer Relocation-Looking east on SW Arthur from SW 2nd, A2000-033, 1963.

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Blanchet House

Blanchet House is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year! The photos below show lines for meals served at the Blanchet House. The first meal served to 200 men were beans, bread, butter, and coffee. Located near Union Station in Old Town Portland, Blanchet House served an unemployed and underemployed mostly male population of transient workers and immigrants. There is an exhibit of Blanchet House history at the Oregon Historical Society until June 5.

Blanchet House at NW Glisan Street and NW 4th Avenue, circa 1952.
Men in line at NW Flanders Street and NW 4th Avenue around the corner from Blanchet House, circa 1952.