6 thoughts on “Stadium Tavern, 1949

  1. If anyone would happen to have any more information about the Stadium Tavern it would be greatly appreciated. I just found out my Grandpa used to own it before the fire. I haven’t been able to find any more info online. Thanks for any help!

  2. In March/April of 2014 the road was repaved between 19th and Burnside and 19th and Morrison, and some of the old streetcar tracks you see in this photo were unearthed for a couple days, then paved back over. In this photo I am standing on 19th, about 25 feet south of Burnside. Note the cobblestones! https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t31.0-8/1980458_678926968817417_583561103_o.jpg

    From another angle. McDonalds is the building at the top of the photo. https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/t31.0-8/1911195_678927018817412_1352234463_o.jpg

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