Aerial, SW Arthur & 2nd, 1950

There was some discussion after last Wednesday’s post about SW Arthur winding down from 4th to 1st Avenue. I’ve excerpted that general area from an aerial survey photo to illustrate what this area looked like in 1950. Duniway Park is center-left and the north-south boundaries are roughly SW Lincoln and SW Woods. I-405 will eventually cut a swath across the top third of this area.

(City of Portland Archives)

3 thoughts on “Aerial, SW Arthur & 2nd, 1950

  1. Ahh so 3rd turned into Arthur rather than Sheridan turning into Arthur… waitaminute – after looking at Google Maps, I have to say I never before realized that the curvy 4-lane through the urban-renewal area from Barbur to 1st is actually Sheridan and Caruthers side-by-side… but their both 3rd??

    Also, what’s up with those weird white markings in the middle of 4th between Sheridan and Caruthers?

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