14 thoughts on “N Lombard Street, 1963

  1. That cute old-fashion gas station with a large modern service center behind it at a major intersection, Lombard & Portsmouth. I love the tile roof on the gas station and those neat retro gas pumps! There’s a 76 station there today. The frame of the “Big T” Tradewell sign is still there today, except now it indicates the site of an Eagles Lodge aerie that occupies the old supermarket building. Another sign of the sixties besides the retro cars and gas for 28 cent a gallon– an S&H Green Stamps sign attached to the Tradewell sign! Those were the days!

  2. It’s interesting to see a service station with both newer & older style gas pumps in operation. I never ran across an example of this, at this time, when I was a kid living in San Diego. You would think in San Diego with its many older mission style architectural buildings there would have been.

    The tall white house in the background has been well cared for through the years.

    There were still quite a few cars with “fins” (from 1957-59) in this photo. 1957 was a great model year for all The Big-Three car companies.

    I like reading the comments made by folks who grew up here reminiscing about the childhood memories of these places. Thank you.

  3. There seems to be no shortage of pics of this area if you click the related links. So I present a question and a challenge to begin our week.
    It appears these could have been taken as part of a future road project…a la numbers man. Does anyone know when the numbers man was phased out and replaced with the ubiquitous station wagon? What is the latest date photo we have of the number man? Let’s meet again on Friday. 😉

  4. I am not sure when this station was built, but Goodrich tire company listed Portsmouth Garage @ Lombard & Portsmouth in newspaper ads as a dealer from 1930 thru 1938. Portland maps permits from the mid 1960’s shows the station owner is Gulf Oil, so the may have demolished this station and built new Gulf station.

  5. Growing up in this area during the 1960’s , 70’s and early 80’s. I recognize the old Chevy is this image. It’s Tom M’s “Purple Plum”, like me he grew up in the area only a generation before.
    The car was named that obviously because of its odd color and it was easily recognizable and spotted all over the university park and St Johns area during those three decades.
    Seven years ago He contacted me and asked if I wanted it. I said I had no room for it but I knew a guy that might. He said, “come and get it Chris”, so we did. Tom M. Died of cancer a year later. Little did i know at the time when Steve and i picked up the car, that he was ill and he was preparing for his own passing. 😦

  6. Chris B., Can you post a current picture of the “Purple Plum”? It would be a fantastic chance to see a “Then and Now” picture. What kind of shape is the old Chevy in today?

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