Arch of Welcome, 1920

This elaborate Arch of Welcome was constructed in the intersection of SW 6th and Alder for the Imperial Session of Shriners in 1920. At that event, members unanimously passed a resolution to establish the Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children system. This view is to the north; the top of the Wells-Fargo building can be seen in the distance over the arch.

gateway arch 1920(The Oregonian, from University of Oregon Libraries)

6 thoughts on “Arch of Welcome, 1920

  1. “sym bolical gateway to Portland oasis”

    And here I thought The Syms was a wholly modern game that could only be played on a computer or peripheral device.

    I know; bad joke. But hey, at least it wasn’t bad spelling.

    Informative picture, Dan. I’d heard of the Grand Reunion of the Elks, but I wasn’t aware of this celebration by the Shriners.

    *checks for typos, crosses fingers, and hits “post comment”*

  2. T-Bag…I thought the same thing. Especially with the events of the past decade. It’s a great photo of a time when anything middle eastern or ‘oriental’ was just plain exotic. Could anyone decode the words on the arch?

  3. To me the Shriners were always the fun guys in the parade who built hospitals. So I learned something new today. First you become a Master Mason, then you become a Shriner. The Welcome Arch shows the Shriner’s greetings and salutations.

    Since 1872, Shriners have used the salutation “Es Selamu Aleikum,” Arabic for “Peace be with you!” The response: “Aleikum Es Selamu,” or “With you be peace.”

    From the pamphlet “The Ultimate Guide, Shriner Primer” and

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