15 thoughts on “NE 32nd Avenue, circa 1937

  1. The car that’s parked nearest the camera looks like a ’36 Dodge Coupe.

    The car parked ahead with the man standing outside the passenger side door is either talking to someone seated in the car or he’s opening the door to get in; after buying some sundries at Smith’s Drug store.

  2. I’m surprised the rigging for the “Smith Drugs” sign is still attached to the Music Millenium roof. And close inspection shows the “Piggly Wiggly” store sign for the east end of the building.

  3. Regarding the old sign supports…perhaps the potential damage to the brick that would cause was deemed to be too great.

  4. Igor, there is a very good chance these two photos were taken the same day, at close to the same time. The trees, angle of the sun and angle of shadows all support this.

  5. The background church was built in 1923, spanish-colonial-revival style, 99 years ago. Unrelated yet fittingly, Juan de Fuca sailed past Oregon in 1592, laying Spain’s claim to the West Coast, 430 years ago.

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